Ingredients & Directions

2 cups skinless chicken, cooked or roasted, diced into 1-inch strips
¼ cup sour cream
¼ cup olive oil mayonnaise
¼ cup carrot, finely chopped
2 tablespoons cilantro
2 tablespoons capers, drained
3 tablespoons red bell pepper, finely chopped
2 tablespoons lime juice
½ teaspoon ground cumin
½ cup onion, finely chopped
¼ cup Tabasco® Jalapeño sauce
½ cup cheddar cheese, grated
1 avocado, peeled and cut into wedges
Lettuce leaves
Add’l cheddar cheese, grated
Toss all ingredients except avocado, lettuce, paprika and additional Cheddar cheese..
Serve mixture on lettuce leaves with avocado slices.  Sprinkle lightly with paprika.
Garnish with extra Cheddar cheese and capers.
Yields: 6-8 servings.
Recipe provided by Rick Souders